An organisation based on knowledge

A knowledge-driven organization

Revisorgruppen Danmark was established in 1992 for the overall purpose of enabling the member firms to provide top quality work and services.

Top quality is still the cornerstone of the network’s co-operation, and it is supported by various tools, a considerable range of continued professional education, and especially an executive office staffed with some of Denmark’s most qualified expert specialists when it comes to an auditor’s core services.

We do not engage in tax and VAT issues. In these fields, we co-operate with colleagues of our associated enterprise Revitax A/S, employing some of Denmark’s most qualified expert specialists in tax and VAT.

As to IT expertise, we possess competent knowledge through our subsidiary REVI-IT, holding a position as an esteemed supplier of services in such fields as IT audit, GDPR, and related advisory services.

Originally, Revisorgruppen Danmark was established by 13 accountancy firms. Today, the network comprises 24 member firms with around 70 offices located all over Denmark, employing approx 260 state authorised public accountants and more than 1,400 staff members.

This means that today we are unquestionably Denmark’s largest network of independent, state authorised accountancy firms.

You will find our member firms in the link below, or you may contact us for further information. Please call us on +45 8680 2175 or write to revisorgruppen@revisorgruppen.dk.